Bush Attempting To Undermine Obama Administration
Talk about sour grapes...
President Bush is spending his last days in office pushing through an unprecedented number of "midnight regulations" by exploiting a loophole in the law which allows him to put regulations into the Code of Federal Regulations--which have the same force as laws passed by Congress. Most of these regulations primarily benefit industries and constituent groups that supported him during his two terms as President. It could take the Obama administration months or even years to overturn some of these rules, especially if the companies and special interest groups that will benefit decide to sue.
Here's a run-down on some of the regulations from The Guardian:
No doubt, Bush and his right-wing allies are furious with the American people for rejecting their fascist, theocratic vision for the nation's future--and this is a last ditch attempt at exacting a measure of revenge. Can't these guys give it a rest? They have already damaged this country so badly that we could well spend decades recovering--if we ever do.Bush's midnight regulations will:
• Make it easier for coal companies to dump waste from strip-mining into valleys and streams.
• Ease the building of coal-fired power stations nearer to national parks.
• Allow people to carry loaded and concealed weapons in national parks.
• Open up millions of acres to mining for oil shale.
• Allow healthcare workers to opt out of giving treatment for religious or moral reasons, thus weakening abortion rights.
• Hurt road safety by allowing truck drivers to stay at the wheel for 11 consecutive hours.
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