Sunday, December 14, 2008

Union Busting Rethugs Blame UAW For Defeat Of Bailout Legislation

First of all, get one thing straight--the Republican senators who refused to pass a bailout measure for the auto industry had no intention of reaching a compromise with the UAW. They wanted the negotiations to fail. They want to see US automakers go out of business. They want to see labor unions come to an end.

Nothing would please them more than seeing American workers stripped of their right to at least a minimum wage and reasonably safe working conditions. Apparently, the amount of wealth they have helped transfer out of the hands of the working class and into the hands of the top 1% isn't enough--they will settle for nothing less than the reduction of US workers to the slave status enjoyed by sweatshop workers in places like China and Pakistan. To many of the very rich, the "commoners" are nothing but "production units" whose sole useful purpose is to generate ever greater wealth for the already obscenely wealthy.

For decades, the labor unions--in spite of the problems they have had--have often been at the forefront of the battle to protect workers--union and nonunion alike--from the heartless greed and lack of respect for human rights displayed the elites. Destroying the unions would constitute a major victory on their part--and the UAW is one of the most powerful unions around. Taking them down would make it much easier to kill all the rest...

The problem for us is that the top 1% have already managed to purchase the legislative process--which is why the financial industry got a $700 billion dollar bailout with no strings attached--but the country's workers and homeowners were told to screw themselves. Until we demand that Congress serve the interests of the many instead of the greedy inclinations of a few, we can expect America's downward spiral to continue.


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